3rd Trimester Box

Mama, It's About to Get Real!
This box is all about the big day...the birth of course! This DoulaBox contains a customized mini 3-ring binder, and has info and resources to help with the 3rd Trimester of pregnancy.
From packing the hospital bag, to comfort measures and labor positions be confident and prepared to meet your baby! This box has a focus on connecting with your baby and body through Birth Art. Colored pencils for decorating mandalas are included.
3rd Trimester DoulaBox contains a custom Mini 3-Ring Binder with a 12 month calendar, as well as Natural & organic Gifts and activities depending on the trimester.
Also included:
*Your Birth Bag
*Creating Birth Art
*Mother Blessings
*Stages of Labor
*Vaginal Birth
*Cesarean Birth
*How Hormones Help
*Using your B.R.A.I.N
*Labor Positions
*Comfort Measures
*prenatal exercises
*nutrition info
*healthy recipes
Additional Products include:
*Mommy to Be Wipes ( Feminine Care)
*Colored Pencils for Birth Art
*Birth Mandalas to color
*Lip Balm
*Honey Sticks
*Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
*Heartburn Tea
*3rd Trimester pamphlet that covers physical and emotional changes, as well as development of the baby from month 7-9
Each DoulaBox will support you as you prepare for
YOUR pregnancy, YOUR way!
Individual Box - Not a Subscription)
**Please Put the Due Date in Seller Notes When Ordering**